Product Code: B07YPRVZFN
Availability: In Stock
Ex Tax: $69.79
About this item
100% Cashmere, Hand Wash Only, Super warm and durable, high-precision textile, soft, feathery lightweight and warm, Long 60" by 12" Fringed, Standard Size for Daily Wear, Rich in Color, Quality guaranteed, scratch proof and no color fade, Hand Wash, Hang Dry, Dry Wash, Gift ready, 30 days free exchange and returns,

Step 1 - Wash By Hand

Fill your sink or a bucket with lukewarm water. Add a little non-bleach detergent, preferably liquid, and blend it with the water.

Step 2 - Subs It Up

Wash the garment for a few minutes and gently remove any spots without excessive rubbing. Then let them soak for 30-60 minutes.

Step 3 - Lay Flat Till Dry

Drain the water and rinse the garment thoroughly. Press against white towel to remove excessive water. Lay flat on towel and complete drying.

Step 4 - Storage

Do not hang your cashmere, since pure cashmere sweaters and accessories have the tendency to grow and lose shape when left to hang. We recommend folding your cashmere and store flat.

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